A Youthful Journey
I don’t feel like I’ve changed that much since age 16. I remember how I thought and felt so clearly. It feels like three or four years ago, not nine. And I think many adults, especially young adults, feel this way.
A Place to Stay
Cities are not easy places to be when bicycle traveling. People stop looking around and start looking down. Expressions change from interest to indifference. In the countryside, we’re interesting travelers. In the city, we feel like homeless bums.
Changing Plans
By the end of our fourth day, I felt like a husk, dried out, drained, and brittle. Every time I saw a climb in front of me, I felt like hurling my bike off the side of the road and bursting into tears.
Some Thoughts on Leaving
As I was watching the total solar eclipse, almost two months ago now, I was terrified.